A fossil-free preschool with mostly recycled materials
Category: Concept design and detailing
Location:Backa, Gothenburg
Year: 2019-2021
Client:The City of Gothenburg
Architect:LINK Arkitektur
The preschool “Hoppet” is intended to serve as a pilot project for the City of Gothenburg with the ambitions to reach Zero CO2 emissions and as small imprint on the environment as possible. This is made by using fossil-free materials, minimal additions and reuse of materials in production and later on in management. The plot for the preschool is in a beautiful nature area in Backa.

Mareld got the opportunity to design and produce construction drawings of the school yard. The design brings out the quality of the existing nature on the plot. There are different zones with more calm rooms for the small children as well as challenging areas for running and exploring. The design of the yard is made to the biggest part of recycled materials as well as located produced wood. The challenges of the project were to create a fossil free yard and at the same time work out strategies that could be transformed on other projects in the future.