
Category: Concept design
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Year: 2020
Client: Gothenburg city, Trafikkontoret

In time Grönsakstorget changed from a lively market square to a parking area. With its location within the ramparts of the city centre the site has a much larger potential. Therefor the municipality of Gothenburg asked us to sketch a possible future of the square to open up the discussion.

A transformation of the square gives the possibility to create a place which has a strong spatial connection with the channel and park of the ramparts. By rebuilding the wide, historic stair to the water line, one can experience the water from close by again. With its orientation to the south it offers a great place to be outside and gaze to the boats gliding along.

Visulent AB
Diagrams shows how the square can be designed as a flexible surface. Where temporary markets, concerts and a ice rink are possible activities.
Diagrams shows how the square can be designed as a flexible surface. Where temporary markets, concerts and a ice rink are possible activities.

The size of the square on street level fits perfect to many kinds of small sized events and activities. For example, local food markets, small concerts or an ice-skating ring. A flat, flexible space in the centre functions as a base. Steps, retaining walls and trees together create informal places to sit down. Both during events and on regular days.

Liveliness on the square is supported by the surrounding horeca who can build up their terraces on the square. Added to this a new pavilion at the corner towards the bridge offering a terrace straight at the channel.

Visualisations are made by Visulent.
