Gothenburg's new public park by the old ferry terminal
Category: Concept design and detailing
Location: Gothenburg
Year: 2019-2020
Client: The city of Gotheburg
Färjenäsparken is a 15 ha park located on Hisingen on the northern abutment of Älvsborgsbron, the city of Gothenburg. The area has a rich history that reaches all the way back to the birth of Gothenburg.

Mareld has been involved in the process of developing the area into a city park where everyday recreational lifr, as well as a large events and live shows can take place. The main feature of the ongoing project is the Pelose, a large central lawn, where users can experience the surroundings of the post-industrial landscape, the landmarks, the passing ships, and the vibrant city life along the River Älv. The Pelouse is framed by two eco designed forest edges which provide the with several important functions such as enhanced biodiversity, wind protection, shielding and experientail values.