Category: Installation
Location: Gothenburg
Year: 2016
Client: Park- och naturförvaltningen
In a collaborative project with the research group The Spatial Morphology Group at Chalmers, White architects and the carpenter at Howe & White, MARELD has developed a pop-up park – Bee Connected – which tells about pollinators in the dense urban environment. In Scandinavia, there are a few hundred species of bees and according to new research, bees thrive just as well in urban environments as in agricultural landscapes and nature reserves.
The pop-up park was located on Avenyn during the Gothenburg Green World exhibition in 2O16 and consisted of more than five hundred hexagons. The shape is strongly associated with bees and honeycombs. The hexagons were built of wood and served as planting vessels, seating, walking surface and water vessels that created a green, flowering mosaic for pollinators and biodiversity. The park’s plants were a mixture of classic garden plants and plants from Frihamnen’s ruderat land.
Part of the park was rebuilt in Stockholm in 2017.